Terms & Conditions

Please see below the Terms and Conditions for Restorative Strength Ltd, including our liability policy and our booking and cancellation policies:

Postural Restoration (“PRI”)

Cancellation policy: 24 hours

  • We operate a strict 24-hour cancellation policy for all sessions. Any cancellation within 24 hours of the start of a session will be considered a “late cancel”. This policy applies to both trainers and clients, meaning: if a client late cancels, they forfeit the session; and if the trainer late cancels, they owe the client a free session.*

  • At the discretion of the trainer and the client, the trainer and client may agree to reschedule the session to a different time in the same week rather than triggering the cancellation policy, but please note this is not always feasible, and neither the trainer nor the client has an obligation to reschedule a late cancelled session.

  • If circumstances beyond our control lead to a session being cancelled, then the trainer will not owe the client a free session.

  • While we appreciate that life happens and circumstances are often outside of our control, there are no exceptions to the cancellation policy. The cancellation policy is in place for the benefit of both the client and the trainer: to ensure trainers are paid fairly for their time and clients are compensated for the inconvenience caused by a late cancel. In addition, maintaining a strict cancellation policy is necessary for the smooth running of the space. Please remember that we are a small business, and keeping the doors open is cost and time intensive. Spending less time on cancellation queries enables us to spend more time focusing on the space and programmes for clients to enjoy.

Terms of PRI sessions

  • PRI sessions expire 2 months from the date of purchase.

  • Follow up calls following a PRI session need to take place a maximum of 8 weeks after the initial session.

  • *Free sessions offered under the cancellation policy generally must be completed within the expiration date of the original session.

  • PRI sessions are non-refundable.

Trainer availability

  • Upon signing up to a ten block with Restorative Strength Ltd, the client will be allocated a trainer and a regular time slot for training will be agreed. 

  • The allocation of a trainer will take into account the client’s personal goals and needs and the availability and relevant qualifications of our trainers.

  • If a trainer becomes unavailable or leaves the company in the middle of a client’s ten block, Restorative Strength Ltd will allocate an alternate trainer to deliver the remaining sessions in the ten block, once again taking into account the above factors. [If the client does not wish to continue with an alternate trainer, the remaining sessions in the ten block can be converted into class credits to be used before the expiration of the original ten block.]

Bookings with therapists

For bookings with any other therapists hiring the space, sessions are booked directly through the therapist and their individual booking and cancellation terms and conditions will apply to these bookings. Restorative Strength Ltd is not responsible for delivering any sessions owed by the independent therapists and cannot be involved in any disputes.


By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions clients confirm that they do not suffer from health problems that would hinder exercise, prevent them from engaging in exercise, or would be detrimental to their health, safety or physical condition. If there is any doubt, advice should be sought from a medical doctor who should confirm the ability to exercise. Restorative Strength Ltd have no obligation to perform a fitness assessment.


Any and all use of Restorative Strength Ltd facilities are at the clients own risk and clients are liable for any damage and/or personal injury while on the premises. Clients should not use any equipment unless they know the correct usage. Restorative Strength Ltd are not liable for any injuries sustained to the client, or damage to property of the client. 

Code of Conduct

We operate a strict no discrimination policy and our Inclusion Statement can be found here. If a client behaves in a way that contradicts this policy their membership will be suspended or terminated.